
If you are using a cache implementation that does not store its data locally (like Memcached and Redis), you will need to choose a codec in order to serialize your data to bytes.

Binary codec

ScalaCache provides efficient Codec instances for all primitive types, and also an implementation for objects based on Java serialization.

To use this codec, you need one import:

import scalacache.serialization.binary._

JSON codec

If you want to serialize your values as JSON, you can use ScalaCache’s circe integration.

You will need to add a dependency on the scalacache-circe module:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.cb372" %% "scalacache-circe" % "0.28.0"

Then import the codec:

import scalacache.serialization.circe._

If your cache holds values of type Cat, you will also need a Circe Encoder[Cat] and Decoder[Cat] in implicit scope. The easiest way to do this is to ask circe to automatically derive them:


but if you are worried about performance, it’s better to derive them semi-automatically:

import io.circe._
import io.circe.generic.semiauto._
implicit val catEncoder: Encoder[Cat] = deriveEncoder[Cat]
implicit val catDecoder: Decoder[Cat] = deriveDecoder[Cat]

For more information, please consult the circe docs.

Custom Codec

If you want to use a custom Codec for your object of type A, simply implement an instance of Codec[A] and make sure it is in scope at your get/put call site.

Compression of Codec[A]

If you want to compress your serialized data before sending it to your cache, ScalaCache has a built-in GZippingBinaryCodec[A] mix-in trait that can be used to decorate another codec. It will automatically apply GZip compression to the encoded value if the Array[Byte] representation is above a sizeThreshold. It also takes care of properly decompressing data upon retrieval.

To use it, simply extend your Codec[A] with GZippingBinaryCodec[A] last (it should be the right-most extended trait).

If you want to use GZip compression with the standard ScalaCache binary codec can either import scalacache.serialization.gzip.GZippingJavaSerializationCodec._ or provide an implicit GZippingJavaAnyBinaryCodec at the cache call site.